Midwest Frontier Stories

Links to others sites:

Fantastic photograph book of Prehistoric Artifacts of Iowa (Over 300 pages of unique artifacts found in Iowa!)


Shared Stories:

From Gene Howe: “Thanks for ‘Midwest Frontier Stores’, we picked up at Bloomfield Welcome Center.  I was at my wife’s sister-in laws house in California..As they visited, being a ‘reader’, I picked up a book on the ‘Local History’…I was surprised to read that area had been founded by Iowans after the gold rush.
Several farmers from the SE Iowa Area (Van Buren/Lee County) had the Gold Rush Fever, and left there families for the west….they were to late, but found the ground in the area to be to their liking, so they purchased some, went back to Iowa, Packed personal things, placed their families on a steam boat down the Des Moines River, Keokuk, New Orleans, To the istmus of Panama, where they walked to the Pacific, where another sail boat took them to San Francisco, Mean while the men took their livestock and farming tools across the Wagon Trails and eventually they ended up forming the town of ‘Alamo’ (East of San Francisco)..Also, A George Howe, had a contract to build the dam at Keosauqua 1843? With another man..eventually Osceola was built on his farm ground….”