San Francisco Earthquake Letter 1906

Midwest Frontier Stories
Even though this is way later than the frontiersmen, I was given this letter to share. The letter was was found in the attic of a house near Lebanon, Iowa and written April 24th, 1906, but was not postmarked until May 2nd in Sacramento.
Many Midwestern Pioneers and Iowans moved on west and settled in California !
From a survivor of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake to W.H. Channel in Keosauqua, Iowa.  The 7.8 earthquake occurred April 18th, 1906 at 5:12 am.
Click on image to see larger image of letter.  These videos were just recently found!
Video Before 4/14/1906  – Found by descendants
Video 2 wk After Disaster – Found 4/2/2017 at a flea market!
1806 San Francisco Earthquake Letter
“My Dear Lucile:  We are still among the living and have a great deal to be thankful for on that account.
We lost everything even to our clothing, not even a change was saved.
We all camped among the hills until yesterday.  We were compelled to seek better shelter from the rain and cold.  We are in a flat now belonging to somebody who left the city, but may return at any time.
Little Jack took cold and was getting sick, so I asked an officer for a room somewhere, so he said “Come with me and I’ll give you all a home”, he game me the key to the flat and said to make ourselves comfortable.  I’ll till  you I felt happy to get under a roof once more, for camp life under these circumstances is anything but desirable or conducive to health.  What an experience we have all been through, you cannot imagine. Such a sight to behold us all running and lining up to get our rations.  So far our little band has had enough to satisfy hunger.
We get clothing, too, but does not fit, etc. You can understand how that is.  But as we all agree, we are very grateful to get outwith our lives.
Every day, I have thought I would take little Jack and come up to your house but I want to stick it out here just as long as I can.  I am almost impatient to get a start again for ourselves.  But it is hard to know just now what to do.  In fact, it is impossible to act, for oneself, until martial law is declared off.
Let me hear how you all are.  Direct to 1734 Grove St and I will get it.  I trust you are all well.
Sincerely Yours Maggie

    Love to All.

Mrs W. Ross Overholser, 1734 Grove St, SF Cal.”

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