Indian Names and what they signify

Midwest Frontier Stories
From the Article:
A List of Indian Names and What they signify  Note:  These are “sound like” Names and American translation.
On his recent visit to the Osage Agency, in the Indian Territory, Judge C. F. Davis, of this city, gathered the following list of Indian names and what they signify. It is an interesting collection of cognomens:
 ((Currently over 100 translations and stories about Native Americans are in Midwest Frontier Stories Collection 1  book)

Hi-o-kohe Bare Leg
Hulan-shin-ka Little Eagle
Mah-koh-shoot-sa Red Medicine
Me-kah-wah-she-a Mad Coon
Me-kuh-hah Coon Skin
Moh-sho-ko-she Distant Land
Nah-hoot-sa-in-ka No Ears
O-koh-sha-pa Twilight
Pah-her-cha-she Shake Head
Pa-sha-ah-hoh Yellow Stone
Sha-pa-tra-a Big Soldier
Tah-ha-kah-ha Horn Maker
Wah-ho-tah-wah no-she Take away Gun
Wah-no-pah-she Not Afraid
Ah-ke-toh-koh-he-hoh Chief Soldier
Ah-ki-to-ton-kah Big Soldier
Ah-lo-wah Running Over
Cha-ha-nah-she Standing Roof
Cha-her-ton-kah Big Valley
Che-to-hoh Buffalo Skin
E-sa-wal-la Mean
Ha-e-she-stah Twisted Horn
Hah-hah-sah Grass Rope
Hoh-sho-noh-she Calico
Hon-no-pah-sa Dark
Ho-wah-sop-pee Black Fish
Hu-lah-he Eagle Feathers
Kah-wah-skin-koh Little Horse
Me-kah-shin-koh Little Coon
Me-poh-hoh Sun Rise
Moh-shob-ke-tah-skin-kah LittleSoldier
Moh-shon-ko-she Land Traveller
Ne-kah-wah-she-ton-kah AmbitiousMan
Ne-koh-shoot-sa Red Man
Noh-shc-wah-tra-kah Stand Easy
Non-sa-si-ka Hard Heart
O-koh-sho-moh-e A Tumbler
Pah-in-pah-tra Bloated Pawnee
Pan-ne-no-pashe Governor Joe’s name
Sho-me-koh-se Wolf
Sin-su-hoh-ha Bright Tail
Skon-ku-le-he Scared Dog
Sno-qu Rattlesnake
Tah-bu-shin-ka- Little Hunter
Tah-wan-kah-ha Town Maker
Wah-a-tra-koh-she “Never Failed”
Wah-hoh-hoh Lightning Bug
Wah-kon-te-ke  Doctor
Wah-le-gre-in-ka “No Sense”
Wah-sha-hoot-sa Grey Bird
Wah-tah-kone-lah Want to Beg
Wah-toh-he-wa Grey Mush
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